Friday, July 26, 2013

Trey visited Florence for a few days and I think that he is smitten with it. He was able to meet my family, eat Florence foods, cuddle with Wybie, shop at Billy Reid, and get multiple personal tours of the historic area. I can't wait until fall so that he can get the full effect. I mean, just like every other thing on earth.. it's better during fall.

1. I've never seen anyone as in love with Billy Reid's store as Trey was.
2. He is going to love the Renaissance Faire.
3. Andy has finally met his Monopoly match.
4. I am a horrible bowler.
5. I am being very picky about when he gets to experience Trowbridges. Fall. Definitely fall.
6. I don't like that people have started a tree of panties at the end of the train bridge.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


My dad amazes me. 

Our backyard is a wonderland. We have sunflowers, squash, eggplants, lettuce, tomatoes, smaller sunflowers, green beans, okra, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, mint, basil, rosemary, thyme, jasmine, lilies, zinnias, hydrangeas, ferns, roses, grapes, and several other kinds of flowers. 

One day, my dad decided that he wanted to plant a garden. 
Next thing we know, he is bringing in armloads of the freshest treats and our backyard looks like something out of Garden and Gun.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

André François

I love his French cartoons.

Little moments that I'm thankful for.

Tonight as I was laying next to Jon Christian, I watched his hands as they held two of his Mario figurines. These hands are always soft. These fingernails are always too short since he bites them.
These hands have problems buttoning buttons and holding pencils properly but turn his toys into acrobats and then catch them nearly every. single. time. These hands squeeze mine in rhythmic sequences as we both say, "Squeeeeeeeze." These hands are ticklish and they love to tickle. 

I am thankful that I get to watch Trey go from smiling to laughing. That's one of the very few good things about long distance relationships I guess. Skype and Facetime make it possible to be face-to-face for the whole conversation. When you're driving with someone or walking beside them, you don't have the opportunity to watch them laugh from start to finish. It's not until you're facing them that you get to watch this magic happen.  You get to watch their eyes close a little bit and you get to see the corners of their mouths get higher and higher while they laugh their own, personal laugh. 

When I read a poem and I feel it becoming a part of me. I've been reading a lot of Frank O'Hara, Pablo Neruda, and T. S. Eliot lately and I'm so thankful for how they make me feel.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy birthday, Trey!

Happy 22nd birthday, Weichman. Since we met, my heart has been on fire and my spirits have been soaring. You're something truly special and you touch the lives of everyone you meet. Whether it's dancing with random children or making an old lady feel hip and sexy, you warm the hearts of everyone around you. I'm one lucky duck and I am more than excited for the adventures that you and I will have. Happy birthday, buster. Here's to many more. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Joël Penkman

Ranging from small to large, Penkman's egg tempera paintings have my heart. So simple and so sweet.
Click here to visit his site and purchase a painting!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Road Trip #1

First stop: Nashville! 

Next stop: Bell Buckle. Where Moonpies and RC Cola are celebrated and where people close shop for a "dealth" in the family. 

Chattanooga for the night.

Final Destination: Atlanta for a Braves game and some shopping. 

I could write a lengthy post where I write about all that we did and saw and said and laughed about. I could write about how long and hard I laughed when Trey accidentally knocked our pizza onto the restaurant floor. I could write about the sunsets and the bug bites and the beyond amazing dinner that Trey cooked for me. I could write so many things. But, this time I won't. I'll just leave these pictures here and I'll keep the rest to myself. But.. I will say that it was the perfect road trip and my mind is bubbling with ideas for others.

A Preview: