Friday, November 22, 2013

It's the holiday season...

Abbey and I,  2012.

I know that it isn't Thanksgiving yet and I am in no way wanting to rush through that joyous, gluttonous holiday. But, I see no problem in reflecting on Christmases past and decorating for Christmas early and buying Christmas presents early and listening to Christmas music everywhere I go and talking about Christmas and thinking about Christmas, etc. I mean, I'm wearing Thanksgiving earrings every day. So, I am still honoring the approaching holiday. 

Sometimes, you just shouldn't repress what you're feeling. October through February is that time. 
Merry Freaking Christmas. I can't hold it in anymore.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Alejandro Guijarro photographed the blackboards of quantum physicists as he found them in their institution's classrooms. Out of their normal context, we see that they are works of art. We can see the layers and layers of thought, time, and effort. We can see the carefully placed lines drawn to divide the works into segments. We see the eraser marks that cover the blackness with a thick, foggy film. We see the finger prints that broke through the misty, chalk dust film to point to numbers and symbols that were once of great importance. 

Too perfect.

Monday, November 4, 2013

"Never go on trips with anyone you do not love." -Ernest Hemingway

A wise woman once told me that she strongly believed that couples should travel before they get married. She said that traveling is a test. You get to see how your traveling partner handles money, lost tickets, late arrivals, lost reservations, wrong turns, delayed flights, layovers, stolen necessities, etc. Weichman, you passed.
It doesn't matter that the ATM ate your debit card. It doesn't matter that you forgot to pack all of your pants. It doesn't matter than Savannah was hot, sticky, filled with weird, tense people, and not near as great as we imagined it would be. 
When things went wrong, we laughed harder.
But thankfully, most everything went according to plan.

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina OR Heaven on Earth
No building can be taller than the tallest tree. No building can be painted anything other than neutral colors. There aren't hundreds of street lights lining the roads, blinding you as you try to see the stars. Clean streets and bike trails everywhere you go. Happy people and empty East Coast beaches.
Perfect weather and perfect company.

Shrimp boils, steaks, waffles, lobster, homemade breakfasts, sweaters, morning coffee, Phase 10 games with my family, playing with Wybie in the ocean, feeding monster horses, taking carriage tours of Beaufort, chocolate shops, biking, biking, biking, more biking, sampling local honeys, cemeteries, ice cream, and more biking. It was the perfect vacation. 

Hey, Trey. Let's go back.

I am thankful for so many things.