However, this summer...I've made more friends than I have in the past year and I am going to miss them so so much.
If I had to pick three words to sum up my summer, they would be: paint, dancing, and fireworks.
It's always nice when you find someone who has EVERYTHING in common with you. You know that it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship when you find someone who matches all of your little quirks.
THIS GUY ^ does exactly that. We have absolutely everything in common. It's actually quite scary sometimes. Zelda, The Office, Batman, Harry Potter, Garden State, weather preferences, food preferences, music taste, movies, citronella candles, matching triforces, freckles, and countless other things have contributed to building a really great friendship. Oh, and he actually reads my blog and enjoys it. So that's something, right?
Some have been around for a while. And I love them more than anything in the world, cabbage patch kid toes and all.
And others have gone in and out of my life, but now it looks like they're there to stay. My summer has been filled to the brim with hilarious memories that I know will be talked about for years to come. I love having friends that love me and truly enjoy my company.
I am an extremely lucky girl.
You sure have some awesome friends. :)