"I fell in love with Autumn today. She's a beautiful thing, isn't she? She woke me up this morning, saying hello through the cracks between my windowpane. She rose with the sun and climbed into my bedsheets and numbed the edges of my fingertips with her kiss. I wanted to ask her where she's been, but she told me she was too busy painting the trees red for me. Autumn, Autumn, Autumn. Nights with you have always been the sweetest. November's where the sky bled red and October's where you laid frost against my lips and September's where we shared our first kiss. Oh Autumn, you beautiful thing. You've always been my favorite lover. You tie scarves around my neck and stretch my heart around fire pits so when I crawl under the covers every night, I smell like embers and earthy conversation. It's only with you that we can lay around flannel sheets in wool and corduroy pressing our lips together and chasing twigs out from behind our ears. Only you, Autumn. Only you. I've missed you. Welcome home."
1 turkey
17 pies
5 casseroles
3 kinds of dressing
1 healthy family
2 grandparents
5 rowdy children
1 very happy Thanksgiving.
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