Untitled Robert Rauschenberg
“I have various
tricks to actually reach that solitary point of creativity. One of them is
pretending I have an idea. But that trick doesn’t survive very long because I
don’t really trust ideas – especially good ones. Rather, I put my trust in the
materials that confront me, because they put me in touch with the unknown.” - Robert Rauschenberg
Today, I gave a presentation on Robert Rauschenberg to my intermediate painting class and after researching him all night and completing three research assignments about him, I was beaming with inspiration. I'm a believer in process. I like noticing development, change, and improvement. When I paint, the process of painting is the most special thing about it to me. Of course, the content matters. But I am tied to my materials and I love getting dirty. I know which corner had that weird splintered area that I glued down before I gessoed it. I know about that weird corner where I cut the canvas too short and had to make a patch. I know these little details and I love them. I love being fluid and free or meticulous and careful. I have found that I love painting on hard surfaces as opposed to stretched, bouncy canvas. I love my process. The reason why I picked Rauschenberg was that he was all about process as well. So, now tons of ideas are rolling around in my noggin and I'm already making plans for them. I'll probably live at Woods Hall for the next few weeks and strangely, I don't mind that one bit. I may invest in one of those foldable chairs that come in a little sack so that I can sleep on the balcony and watch the sunrise. It'll be chilly. Maybe I'll bring a blanket too.
Well, now I am wrapped up in my favorite cardigan and a blanket that belonged to my grandmother and eating my dad's homemade pickles. I guess I'd rather write about Rauschenberg and pickles than read about dysphagia.
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