Sunday, May 29, 2011

You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how. -Gone with the Wind

Last night I went to The Melting Pot and ate like royalty.  Light, soft bread with a delicious blend of cheeses. Followed by a crisp salad and succulent lobster, shrimp, steak, chicken, and duck. To top it all off: white chocolate fondu flambeed and served with strawberries, poundcake, brownies, cheesecake, bananas, and marshmallows for dipping.

I spent today gathering the things I needed to make another collage, cleaning my room, and drinking various warm drinks and eating anything I could on my new octopus dishes.

The rest of my weekend will consist of camping and then spending my off day with my grandparents!
This week, I will be making more string lanterns, searching for picture frames, and making a collage.

Have a great week, readers!


  1. You are the most adorable person ever. And... I love your tea cup.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
