Thursday, January 31, 2013

Van Gogh's Self Portraits

"Self-Portrait with Dark Felt Hat"  Spring 1886
"Self-Portrait with Pipe" Spring 1886
"Self-Portrait with Dark Felt Hat at the Easel" Spring 1886
"Self-Portrait with Pipe" Spring 1886
"Self-Portrait" Autumn 1886
"Self Portrait with Grey Felt Hat" Winter 1886/87
"Self-Portrait" Summer 1887
"Self-Portrait with Straw Hat" Summer 1887
"Self-Portrait with Straw  Hat and Pipe" Summer 1887
"Self Portrait with Straw Hat" Summer 1887
"Self-Portrait" Summer 1887
"Self-Portrait with Straw Hat" Summer 1887
"Self-Portrait" Summer 1887
"Self-Portrait" Summer 1887
"Self-Portrait" Spring/Summer 1887
"Self-Portrait" Spring 1887
"Self-Portrait" Spring-Summer 1887
"Self-Portrait with a Japanese Print' December 1887
"Self-Portrait" Autumn 1887
"Self-Portrait with Pipe and Glass" Early 1887
"Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat" March-April 1887
"Self-Portrait with Straw Hat" Winter 1887/88
"Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat" Winter 1887/88
"Self-Portrait" Winter 1887/88
"Self-Portrait in Front of the Easel" 1888
"Self-Portrait with Pipe and Straw Hat" 1888
"Self-Portrait" 1888
"Self-Portrait (Dedicated to Paul Gauguin) September 1888
"Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe" January 1889
"Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear" January 1889
"Self-Portrait" August 1889
"Self-Portrait" September 1889
"Self-Portrait" September 1889

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Typical Night in Tuscaloosa

Duct taping someone to a liquid-filled cup that they had in their hands. Then, duct taping that cup in their hands to their chest. Then, duct taping their body to the stool they were sitting on. Then, they break free and ruin all of it.

Seeing what it feels like to take excited engagement pictures with someone when neither of you are engaged or anywhere close to being engaged.

Then, building towers out of household objects.
I like these nights.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I miss Europe.

Monday, January 28, 2013

I just imagined the birds as tenants and the trees as their landlords. I pictured a Carolina Wren flitting around a tree, asking if there were any spots available. To that, the tree answered silently. But the wren could hear the tree's reply and then flew to the available nesting spot, and examined it before flying away in search of nesting materials. 

I imagined woodpeckers as the noisy neighbor that no one really likes, and crows as the creepy neighbor that no one wants to have. The kind of neighbor that makes the other birds' feathers stand on end and makes their little, brittle bones tremble.

It made me smile.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Some of my favorite rainy days.