Saturday, August 13, 2011

"I spent fourteen dollars on tampons today. I could have gotten 2 Chick Fil A meals for that."

I still need to paint my headboard, find a real blanket for my bed, and get more furniture since my clothes are just sitting in stacks around my room. My laundry basket is currently a cardboard box and my closet is the top of my one dresser. This is the life.

Thrift store find.

I spent ALL DAY one day painting frames and framing tons of posters. I think I framed about 6 or 7. By the end of the day, my fingers were raw and my hands were bleeding. BUT, I think it'll be worth it in the end.

Edison seems to like our new home.

If I had to rate my life right now on a scale of how well it's going...I'd give it a 88.9%. My family is healthy and happy. I have a roof over my head-a cute one, as a matter of fact. I have clothes on my back-old man sweaters, actually. I have the best friends anyone could ask for. My heart is full, my laugh is real, my thoughts are occupied, and I am incredibly happy. 

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