Monday, October 21, 2013

Abigail's Day

Happy birthday, dearest Abigail.
Four years ago, you and I met through mutual acquaintances. We saw each other around UA and eventually I started driving you across campus when you didn't feel like walking. Then, I listened to you talk about being homesick and I wanted so badly to drive you to Huntsville, right then and there. Then, the next thing I knew, I was excitedly running to your car to see your new, spunky, pixie cut and help you unload your birthday presents from a trip home. 
That was when I knew that we were friends. As we walked from your car, I listened to you tell me about the latest news in your life and I genuinely cared. I was so glad that you were able to visit home. I was happy that you got a break from being homesick. I celebrated with you after you made big decisions and I realized that I was carefully thinking over all of the things that you confided to me, so that I could always give you the very best advice and guidance. I prayed for you when you were down or felt stressed. I counted on you to brighten my days with your voices and your perversions. You didn't let me stay inside all summer when I deemed it "too hot to be alive". You made me pancakes. You didn't judge me for spending days making paper snowflakes, swans, or other holiday decorations. You were you and I needed that. I needed an Abbey Crain in my life, and I still do. 

We both have come so far over the past four years and I am honored to know you (and it's not even because you're the writer of a certain piece of journalism that sparked a much needed change in UA's Greek system). I am honored to know you because you're a stellar young woman and you fill a spot in my life that only you can fill. It's kind of this odd shape, you see? It sort of is the shape of a girl in some sort of strange outfit and if anyone else tried to fit in it, it would just be like trying to force a corner puzzle piece into the center of the puzzle. It just wouldn't work. So, it's gotta be you. Here's to many more years with you and thank you for everything, Bobbigail.

Happy birthday to the shining Abigail Crain. I've heard that 22 feels pretty good.

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