Friday, October 21, 2011

"When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers, 'tis near Halloween.' "
-Author Unknown

Life is good. The weather is delightful. My friends are incredible. My family is supportive and loving. I'm happy to say that at this moment, I am perfectly content.
A cardigan, a comfy button-down, jeans, knee socks, and a Tiny Tim radio station on Pandora make this moment completely perfect. Well, the only thing that could make it better is if Jon Christian was sitting on my bed tossing his Mario figurines into the air, hoping to get an overly enthusiastic cheer or amazement from me. But this is still just fine.

Today is my beautiful roommate, Abbey Crain's twentieth birthday. We met our freshman year of college and through a strange course of events...we became great friends. We had many dorm room slumber parties and bonded over inappropriate conversations, psycho roommates, and our hopes for the future. We went through pretty much everything together: influenza, deadly tornadoes, and breakups. Now, we're in the middle of our sophomore year and living together in a cozy historic house close to downtown Tuscaloosa. We have built a friendship that I have the deepest appreciation for and I hope to have many more years with this incredible girl. Happy birthday, Abigail Crain!

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